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Your First Visit

During your first consultation we will review your complete history. If you have filled out the "intake form" before the visit we will review this together. I will ask questions that relate to various aspects of your life, with a focus on the conditions for which you have come for treatment. I will then take your pulse, examine your tongue and check for tender areas.  Pulse diagnosis is a valuable means for me to assess many problems.

The frequency of your treatments depend upon the most effective means to treat your conditions. Often, initial treatments are done on a weekly basis. Once your condition is controlled and you are free of symptoms, your treatments are done less frequently.  Problems that have persisted for a long time usually will require more treatments to resolve then those experienced recently.

After your first visit, I will determine a treatment plan tailored to your particular needs. This may be a combination of Acupuncture, Manual Therapy,  along with herbal remedies.

It is best to eat a light meal before your appointments so that your body has sufficient energy. It is recommended not to engaged in strenuous activity, drink alcohol or ingest heavy meals after your treatments to allow your body to adjust to the effects of your treatment.

My office address:

200 SW 41st Street, Suite 104

Renton, WA 98057

Located near IKEA in Renton