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Cupping is a suction treatment approach that employs small to medium glass suction cups that are placed on the skin to increase blood circulation, loosen adhered muscles and soothes the nervous system. It is usually combined with Acupuncture in a single treatment session.

Once suction has occurred, the cups can be gently moved across the skin. The suction in the cups causes the skin and superficial muscle layer to be lightly drawn into the cup.  The cups are often left in place for about five to fifteen minutes allowing for  a sensation for the patient which is both a relaxing and relieving.

The cups are removed from the skin by pressing the skin of the patient by pressing on one side allowing some outside air to enter and equalize the pressure.


Benefits of Cupping

Cupping is applied  to relieve a patient's pain and fatigue in the muscles and joints. Cupping can relieve headaches and lessen anxiety. It is also often used to clear congestion and related respiratory conditions such as Asthma, Bronchitis and chronic cough from the lungs.

My office address:

200 SW 41st Street, Suite 104

Renton, WA 98057

Located near IKEA in Renton