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Cranial Sacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands on approach that is applied to relieve pain and dysfunction by releasing tension deep in the body. It was developed after years of clinical testing and research.


Every day your body may experience stresses. These stresses often cause tissues in your body to tighten creating restrictions in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid around the brain and spinal cord. By using a soft touch, restrictions in this soft tissue can be released.

CST is effective as a preventative health measure to help increase resistance to disease, increase relaxation and  improve circulation. For some people, as a result of illness or injury, this disruption of the flow may result in chronic pain, discomfort and such ailments as recurring ear or sinus infections. CST is effective in treating such conditions.

Your Benefits from CranioSacral Therapy

By enhancing your body's processes of natural healing, CranioSacral Therapy can be effective for treating a range of medical problems including migraines and headaches, chronic neck and back pain, fatigue, stress and tension related disorders.


My office address:

200 SW 41st Street, Suite 104

Renton, WA 98057

Located near IKEA in Renton