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For over 5,000 years Acupuncture has been continuously practiced in Asia and  is relied upon today as a valued and effective healing practice. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, no complaint or symptom is viewed independently. Rather the physical body, the mind and the soul are evaluated together.

The goal of Acupuncture is to achieve balance and harmony within the body by stimulating the flow of Qi the life force. Qi collects in the organs and travels through your body along an energetic grid system called Meridians. A system that is similar to nerve and blood flow. Acupuncture needles are inserted at various locations along the meridians depending upon your particular health problem. The insertion of these needles is rapid and virtually painless

This ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that dis-ease occurs when the circulation of Qi is constraint, whether due to trauma, cold, heat or other influences. Acupuncture works to prevent illness and restore your body's balance by re-establishing the flow of Qi.




Your Benefits from Acupuncture

Acupuncture is applied to treat a wide range of conditions. These include acute conditions such as pain or migraines, skin and respiratory diseases; allergies, digestive disorders, insomnia and stress. It is also effective when applied to muscular-skeletal pains such a arthritis and tendonitis. Acupuncture is also used to treat female disorders such a PMS and infertility.

My office address:

200 SW 41st Street, Suite 104

Renton, WA 98057

Located near IKEA in Renton